Wednesday, October 19, 2011

An Awesome Art Professor At My School

On September, 28th 2011 the art department at my school, Hartwick College, had one of the art professors do a presentation for the students. His name is Gary Mare , and he teaches painting. He gave us a chance to see what kinds of painting he has been doing for some years painting. And I must say they were pretty amazing to see. His style of painting images were that similar to that of the works by Pablo Picasso I thought. However his works were a lot more clean and fluent in color and what the images are.  The theme that most of his painting were going for were the idea of old myths and the great beyond. If you really look closely at some of Gary’s paintings you would notice a few added details in smaller areas. Such as a giant ocean that from far way it look like waves, but if you look closely you would notice some fish, whales, boats, sub marines, and other sea creatures that are in there. My two favorites are Odyssey, where it shows Homer tied on a boat and sailing the river stiks an there are spirits and god in the background. And my other favorite is Saint Subasgen where it is a giant that is being caught by thousands of branches, I a way it reminded me of the Iron Giant movie. This was a very well done presentation and his works were spectacular to look at and I am glad I had the chance to see his work with my own eyes.        

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